Annual Children's Christmas Program + Lunch and Santa Visit
Join us for a favorite holiday tradition! Children’s Christmas program during service at 9:30 AM, followed by lunch and a visit from Santa in the Fellowship Hall.

St. Martin Kids' Club
This is a FREE evening for children ages 3 to 12! Bible Story Songs & Crafts Snacks & Games. Please call 636-677-5602 to register your kids

Mini Golf Outing
Mini Golf Outing. We’ll carpool from the church at 1 p.m. Aloha Mini Golf, 13502 Big Bend Rd. Cost: $6 per person.

St. Martin Kids' Club
This is a FREE evening for children ages 3 to 12! Bible Story Songs & Crafts Snacks & Games. Please call 636-677-5602 to register your kids

Lenten Bible Study
Join us for Lenten Bible Study with Soup & Sandwiches
Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws by Adam Hamilton. Book available on Amazon.

Lenten Bible Study
Join us for Lenten Bible Study with Soup & Sandwiches
Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws by Adam Hamilton. Book available on Amazon.

One Great Hour of Sharing - Special Offering
Special offering envelopes are available by the offering plates. OGHS provides sources of clean water, food, education, health care, small business micro-credit loans, advocacy, resettlement for refugees and displaced persons, emergency relief and rehabilitation as well as disaster preparedness and response

Women's Lenten Luncheon
Women’s Lenten Luncheon at St. Luke’s UCC, 6610 St. Luke’s Church Rd., Imperial, MO. Devotions, communion, and fellowship. Sign-up sheet is located on the bulletin board downstairs near the fellowship hall entrance.

Lenten Bible Study
Join us for Lenten Bible Study with Soup & Sandwiches
Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws by Adam Hamilton. Book available on Amazon.

Pairs & Spares Fellowship - Game Day
Bring your favorite games and beverages and join us for a great time from 1-4 p.m. in our fellowship hall. All are welcome and snacks will be provided. Spread the word!

Lenten Bible Study
Join us for Lenten Bible Study with Soup & Sandwiches
Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws by Adam Hamilton. Book available on Amazon.