Sunday School - Every Sunday

Our Sunday School is staffed by a group of faithful, active teachers. The kids begin each Sunday in worship service which begins at 9:30 a.m. Following a special Children’s Time message led either by Pastor Terry or Minister of Children & Youth, Donna Goede, they are escorted to our Sunday School classroom which is in the building adjacent to the sanctuary. A Bible lesson, Christian songs and an art project are part of the very quick Sunday School time that finishes as the worship service ends at 10:30 a.m. A structured curriculum and craft ideas are provided, but teachers are free to expand as they feel comfortable. We now also have a nursery for the children younger than three. We hope to eventually split the Sunday School into two age groups in separate classrooms. Volunteers interested in working in our Sunday School, serving as a substitute or helping to staff the Nursery are welcome. Sign up boards for volunteers are in the elevator lobby.

St. Martin Preschool

A caring, compassionate environment for 3-5 year old pre kindergarten children focusing on Christian based academic, social and fun education. Classes are small and teacher student ratio is great! LEARN MORE

Kids’ Club - Monthly

Kids’ Club is a fun evening for children ages 3-12 held the third Thursday of each month from 6 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. The evening includes a Bible Story, songs, crafts, games and snacks. All children of our church and from the surrounding community are invited! Parents are welcome to stay throughout or you may leave while our volunteer leaders keep your kids busy and safe, and return at 7:30 for pick up. For more information or to reserve a spot for your child/children, call the Church office at 636-677-5602 or email

Vacation Bible School - Annual Summer Event

Vacation Bible School for kids ages 3 to 12 years old. For more information, call the Church office at 636-677-5602.